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5 Easy Things You Can Do Right Now To Support Your Club

Are you a club member? Showing support for your club and its executive isn’t just about showing up for a meeting and taking a role. There are many ways you can help get the word out about your wonderful Toastmasters club. Here are five things you can do to support your club that are quick and easy to do!

1) Write a review

Reviews and testimonials are important. Think about how you pick a movie to watch, a book to read, an online game to play, or a food dish or beverage to try – chances are, either a friend or family member told you to try it, or you read or heard a review about it.

Most non-toastmasters will read reviews and testimonials about your club before deciding to attend. If you club has a public social media page, a Google business profile, or a website, be sure to write a positive review to help your club attract more guests.

2) Tell others

Word of mouth has incredible currency; according to a Nielsen report, 92% of people trust word of mouth referrals from those they know.

When you invite guests to come back, ask them to bring a friend. The friend might not come, but in the ask, your guest will tell their friend about your terrific club.

3) Follow and engage

A large social media following makes your club stand out. Help your club by liking, following, or subscribing on social media. For even more engagement, leave a comment and share posts. This will make a huge difference for your club; if someone sees a lot of followers your club’s page, they will view your club as the place to be.

4) Tag club and members on your social

Post about your toastmasters’ experiences on your social media platforms. In your post, use your club’s hashtags, and tag your club or tag a club member. This will bring more attention to your club.

5) Sign up

Sign up and sign into Meetup and show your support by RSVPing for meetings. The more people that appear to be going to your next club meeting, the more your club will look like it’s the place to be.

Bonus tip

Check-in with your executive. Find out how they are doing. Ask if there is anything you can do to help.

The ideas above are just a few easy ways you can help your club thrive. As clubs work through the impact of the pandemic, it’s more important than ever that members support one another’s efforts to bring guests in, and infuse energy into club meetings.

Even if you use only one of these ideas today, you will make a big impact on your club’s promotional efforts!

Created by Nancy Movrin DTM Public Relations Manager 2021 – 2022