How Accurate is Your Club’s Meetup Setup?

Calling All Club Presidents and VP-Public Relations!

Did you know that the district has purchased licenses for the use of Meetup? 

This social media tool will allow you to reach people in your neighborhood who are interested in improving their public speaking and leadership skills.

You can use it to create weekly meeting events, special meetings such as open houses, social events, or contests and allow those interested in your event to find you. 

If your club is already generating recurring events within Meetup, please ensure that your club event information is accurate. 

Meetup has informed District 86 that if event information is not accurate, Meetup has the option of shutting down the District’s Meetup account.  You may not have created the recurring club event but a previous club officer may have done so.  So please check within Meetup within your Division’s Meetup group that your club’s event information is accurate.
For you to create and manage your club’s Meetup events, the following steps are important:

Step 1:

Create an account on Meetup

Step 2:

Within Meetup, join the group related to your Toastmaster division.  The meetup division groups are as follows:

Divisions C and E:
Divisions D and F:

Division L:

Division S:

Division T:
Division W

Step 3:

Inform me that you have joined the appropriate District 86 Division Meetup group by filling out this form.

Step 4:

The information within the form will be sent to me in which I will then assign to you “Assistant Organizer” privileges to you.  This will allow you to create and manage your club’s events in your Division’s Meetup group.  Once I assign you “Assistant Organizer” role, and email will be sent to you informing you of the role change.  From there, you will be able to create and manage your club’s events.  Please only use the role to manage only your club’s events but not modify events of other clubs.

Step 5:

Many clubs already have existing recurring events with the Division Meetup groups.  If your club already has a recurring event, please update the event as appropriate to ensure that it accurately reflects the current state of your club.  To see whether your club has an existing recurring event, go to your club’s Division Meetup group and beside “Upcoming events” click on the “See all” link.  This will display all the upcoming events in your Division. If you see your club’s event, go to that event’s “Manage” drop down menu and select “Edit Event”. You can choose to “Edit this event only” or “Edit this and all following”. Choose whatever is appropriate, and then you can edit the event.

Step 6:

For more information on creating and managing events, see the Meetup help page

Created by John Wang DTM, D86 Meetup Coordinator 2022-2023