Club Officers; Review Your Role And Complete A Pathway’s Speech Project At The Same Time!

As a club officer, do you review your leadership role with the membership in the weeks leading up to your club election in May?

If no – why not?

Not only is this a lost opportunity in the succession planning process, club officers reviewing their leadership positions at club meeting can also use their educational presentation to complete a pathways project!

There are many core and elective Pathway projects that could fit; however here are some suggestions:

  • Writing a Speech with Purpose (level 1).
  • Understanding Your Leadership Style (Level 2). This project is a bit more personal. It allows the club officer to interweave what they learned about their leadership style within the context of their executive role.
  • Level 3 has many core and elective projects that would be suitable to inform the group about club officer duties.
  • Question-and-Answer Session (Level 4 elective).
  • Leading in your Volunteer organization (L5 elective).

If every club officer picks a meeting and delivers their presentation to the membership about leadership role, you are generating excitement and interest among the membership about the upcoming club election.

Club officers may speak about their roles responsibilities, lessons learned, how to make the most of the role, or any topic related to their club officer experience. The presentations remind members of the duties of each club officer position, so that members are inspired to run for leadership.

Area, Division Directors, and anyone holding any committee or leadership role can do this exercise to gain interest among the club members and fulfill a speaking spot on the agenda and complete pathways project at the same time.

But don’t stop there; get other members involved too! Each week, before the club officer delivers their educational presentation, another member can introduce the speaker before their speech.

The member develops two different social speeches (such as a toast, and a speech honoring the individual), each 3 to 4 minutes, and presents these social speeches at two separate club meetings.

Not only does the member complete their Level 3 project: Deliver Social Speeches, the club officer completes a speech project too. And if your club finds it needs a speaker that week, you already have a presenter in the form of a club officer!

Succession planning ensures the club’s longevity well beyond the departure of the current club executive. By reviewing the officer duties with the membership, club officers remain active in the succession planning process. When you inspire others to do great, your club will continue to grow, thrive, and run efficiently in years to come!

Created by Nancy Movrin, DTM, Program Quality Director 2022-2023