PQD Anne Dockeray, DTM Talks about Mentoring

PQD Anne Dockeray, DTM Talks about Mentoring at August’s Mentor Monthly Zoom Call.

“Do I love to mentor? …With a passion.” PQD Distinguished Toastmaster Anne Dockeray

Ten years ago, she joined Maple Leaf Toastmasters. 

Here’s part of her early Toastmaster story. 

“When I first started Toastmasters, I had no concept of what it was going to do for me and where I was going to go. 

Maple Leaf Toastmasters chartered in 2013. 

At the demonstration meeting we were given 3 mentors. Each one of them offered specific skill sets. 

As I grew in my first steps, I could see myself changing within moments of doing my first speech. I remember feeling that excitement but also my knees knocking, and I asked myself, “Why am I doing this? ‘ 

The adrenalin rush I got was overwhelming. The excitement wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t have those 3 mentors. 

These people made an impact on my life. They guided and led me to where I needed to be.  

Maple Leaf Toastmasters became Presidents Distinguished in the first year. The reason why was because we had excellent mentors. 

The first name that comes to mind is Michael Proudlock, DTM. He was a person who was so positive and uplifting. He pushed me and made me feel that I could do it. 

A mentor is someone who can see your abilities that you can’t see. They help you step out of your box and find out whether that box could be broken. 

Would I recommend a mentor? No doubt in my mind. Yes! 

Try working with a Mentor. I guarantee you won’t regret it!”

Created by Teresa Carolan Mentorship Co-Chair, Top Drawer Toastmasters