Area and Division Director 2024-2025 Leadership Opportunity

Enhance your leadership skills and expand your Toastmasters expertise. Step outside of your club and into a District officer position!

Apply to be an Area Director by submitting the following forms to

  1. Officer Agreement and Release Form 
  2. District Leader Biographical Information 
  3. Headshot image (JPG, 150 x 225 pixels)

What does an Area Director do?

Provides contact, support, and assistance to the clubs in an Area (typically 4-6 Clubs). You serve as the direct liaison between the District and the clubs, keep clubs and their officers informed, offer guidance to club leaders and members, and help clubs achieve club excellence. An Area Director term is one year lasting until June 30.

This role will provide you an opportunity to strengthen interpersonal and team-building skills and sharpen your organizational skills development.

General Overview of Role and Responsibilities

  • Represent the District and Toastmasters International. 
  • Conduct club visits within your Area to understand how to best support and meet the needs of each club.  Club-visit reports (twice a year) must be submitted by the specified deadlines.
  • Chair Area Council meetings.
  • Participate in your Division Council meetings as scheduled by your Division Director.
  • Help facilitate club officer training twice a year.
  • Coordinate your Area Speech Contest
  • Attend District officer training, District Executive Committee meetings and the District Council meetings.

 To serve as an Area Director, you must be a paid member of a District 86 club in good standing.

For Area Director resources, please see:


What does a Division Director do?

Provides support to Area Directors (typically 4-6 Areas per Division). The term is one year (July 1 to June 30). One of your goals is to ensure that each club achieves its mission and fulfills its responsibilities to its members. To achieve this, you coordinate Division activities, set Division goals, and assist in the training of Area and Club leaders.

This role provides you an opportunity to foster leadership skills in Area Directors and a chance to sharpen your strategic thinking and planning skills.

Division Director General Overview of Role and Responsibilities

  • Represent the District and Toastmasters International. 
  • Provide motivation, guidance, and supervision to Area Directors to help them fulfill their roles and responsibilities. This includes contacting Area Directors at least monthly to discuss progress in the Distinguished Area Program, club visits and the Distinguished Club Program.
  • Participates in Division Director training provided by the District.
  • Report regularly to the District Director, Program Quality Director, and Club Growth Director on Divisional progress.
  • Serves as Division Council chair, holding at least two Division Council meetings each year. At Division Council meetings, discuss each Area’s and each club’s plan, goals and progress in their Distinguished programs and the need for assistance, review club officer training plans and achievements, and Area and Division speech contests.
  • Responsible for your Division achieving Distinguished Division recognition.
  • Assist Area Directors and clubs in achieving Distinguished recognition.
  • Coordinate Division Club officer training twice a year.
  • Coordinate your Division Speech Contest, and support your Area Directors with their Area speech contests.
  • Provide District support to the Alignment chair, the District Leadership Chair, and the District Chief Judge by providing Division representatives as needed.
  • Attend District officer training, District Executive Committee meetings and the District Council meetings.

To serve as Division Director, you must have served at least six consecutive months as a member of a District Council. The Division Director may be re-elected to one succeeding term. 

For Division Director resources, please see:

“Ours is the only organization I know dedicated to the individual, we work together to bring out the best in each of us and then we apply these skills to help others.” ~ Dr. Ralph Smedley

A district leader has one of the most important leadership roles within Toastmasters International. The success of the district, its clubs and the members within each club depends on how well the district leaders execute the responsibilities of their office.

To ensure successful district elections the district director shall appoint the district leadership committee chair no later than November 1. The remaining committee members shall be appointed no later than December 1. The committee shall operate under the procedural rules adopted by the Toastmasters International Board of Directors for the selection of candidates for the elective district offices.

The committee’s results shall be reported in writing to the district director no fewer than six weeks before the district council’s annual meeting. The district director shall submit the district leadership committee report to the members of the district council at least four weeks prior to the annual meeting.

This year the district will be searching for qualified candidates for the following ELECTED POSITIONS: 1 District Director, 1 Program Quality Director, 2 Club Growth Directors and 8 Division Directors.

2022-2023 DLC Members

Chair: Jocelyne Vezina, DTM, IPDD

Division C
Aurelie Anne Contosta
Division D
Vincent Tume
Division E
Melanie Taddeo
Division F
Paul Daniel
Division L
Dawn Claus
Division S
Clinton Springer
Division T
Parveen Johal
Division W
Carolyn Wilker

Important Information (click to open)

Election Forms

Please submit all the following forms to the District Leadership Committee Chair,

  1. Candidate Application Form 
  2. District Leader Nominating Form
  3. Officer Agreement and Release Form 
  4. District Leader Biographical Information 
  5. Headshot image (JPG, 225 x 150 pixels)

Please Review:

  1. Call for Nominations 
  2. Candidates Campaign Guidelines 
  3. Current Candidate Campaign and Showcase (Nor Activate)

DEADLINE to submit applications (no extensions) for 2023-2024 Elected officer positions:  JANUARY 6, 2023.

(Submit to


  • Division Director  minimum of 1 candidate for each division.
  • 2 Club Growth Directors
  • 1 Program Quality Director
  • 1 District Director

If you wish to serve in an elected position, please send all the election forms, as instructed above, to the District Leadership Committee Chair,

APPOINTED District Positions

Area Directors, Public Relations Manager, Logistics Manager, Administration Manager, Finance Manager, Parliamentarian, and other positions the elected District Director deems appropriate.

If you wish to serve in an appointed position, please send all the election forms, as instructed above, to the current District 86 Director,

DEADLINE to submit applications for 2023-2024 appointed positions: March 31, 2023.

Every club needs leaders who can move the club forward and work with and motivate others. One of your duties as a club officer is to identify members with leadership potential and encourage them to serve.

Hold elections at the first meeting in May, with new officers taking office July 1. In clubs that elect officers semi-annually, also hold elections at the first meeting in November, with new officers taking office January 1.


Article VI: Officers, Section 5

Nominations for club officers shall be made by a club nominating committee appointed by the club president at least two (2) weeks prior to the election. This committee shall consist of three (3) active individual members, when practicable. This committee shall present its report at the regular business meeting immediately preceding the business meeting at which the election is to take place, and shall present only the names of active individual members who have consented to serve if elected.

Further nominations may be made from the floor at the time of the election by any active individual member. All elections shall be by secret ballot, unless a secret ballot is dispensed with by unanimous vote, with a majority vote of all active individual members present and voting necessary to elect each officer.

The chair of the club nominating committee shall be the immediate past club president unless the best interests of the club require otherwise.


At least two weeks before elections, appoint a nominating committee. Any current paid member of the club is eligible to run for office, and members may run for more than one office.

Offices to be filled are president, vice president education, vice president membership, vice president public relations, secretary, treasurer (or secretary-treasurer) and sergeant at arms.

All positions should be filled if possible. However, a club must have a minimum of three officers: the president, vice president and secretary or secretary-treasurer, and each of these offices must be held by a different person.


The nominating committee selects candidates for each of the club offices. The club president appoints a nominating committee of three members in good standing—one of whom is the immediate past president as the chair—at least two weeks before club elections.

Detailed information can be found in the club leadership handbook. (Click Here>>)


Detailed information can be found in the club leadership handbook. (Click Here>>)


The Club Constitution for Clubs of Toastmasters International states that clubs meeting weekly may elect officers annually or semi-annually. Clubs that meet less frequently than weekly must elect officers annually. Annual terms of office must run from July 1 through June 30; semi-annual terms run from July 1 through December 31 and January 1 through June 30.

Club presidents elected for a term of one year may not be re-elected for a successive term. Club presidents elected for a term of a half-year may be re-elected for one successive term of a half-year.

Detailed information can be found in the club leadership handbook. (Click Here>>)

District 86 Nominated Candidates