45 years ago, Bluewater Toastmasters chartered. It was one of the first clubs to accept women. Over the years, many Toastmasters have called Bluewater home. Our longest reigning member is ACG Marilyn Bell. Marilyn has been very instrumental in keeping Bluewater a driving force in our community.
We kicked off our 45th year with MPP (former Toastmaster) Bill Walker. Bill brought greetings from the province and some of his Toastmaster memories. The following week, Saugeen Shores mayor, Luke Charbonneau, brought greetings from the town and thanks for providing Saugeen Shores and communities with high quality education.
Mayor Boddy, Owen Sound, was on the call the following week. He too brought greetings and showed his interest to promote our club in the area.
We are celebrating throughout our 45th year on Zoom, however, we do look forward to a gala in-person gathering.
We have had several successful Speechcrafts in the past few years. The most recent was partnered with a second language learning centre in Owen Sound. We hope to partner with more groups in the new year.
Our club, like many others, is finding it difficult to grow during this pandemic time. We usually however have a full slate of speakers at each meeting. It is definitely a wonderful and rewarding experience to be part of a great organization and a Club with creative and interesting people.
Stop by…2nd, 3rd or 4th Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm…https://bluewater.toastmastersclubs.org/