“Brampton Toastmasters Showcase And High Tea With A Twist Was A Blast”

March 27th 2024 was a great night for Brampton Toastmasters. It was a night for guests to have fun, connect, and learn about Toastmasters. It was also our opportunity as to show them how our club of 67 years can help them get on their path for further growth and development.

This unique membership building drive was not the ordinary, it was an initiative from Jacklyn Payne for her DTM project. She wanted to change the way we attracted guests and get them to become members. Each member was asked to bring a guest. They showcased the club’s impact in the community, the growth of its members and how guests could benefit from the Toastmaster program. The Guests were treated to their hospitality over Hightea, table talks, an engaging networking break and more.

On an average 15 to 20 members attend meeting weekly. Thirty six people were in attendance of which 13 were guests. 54% of the guests signed up to become members. 2 guests signed up and paid on the spot and 5 more are in the process of becoming members.

Due to the success of this initiative BTM will be running this event twice per year. They would also be happy to share it with other clubs. If you would like to know how this alternative works, please contact Jacklyn Payne for details: j3payne.tm@gmail.com

Created by Jacklyn Payne DTM, Past District 86 Director 2019-2020, Brampton Toastmasters