Greetings District 86!
Thank you for giving me the honor to serve as your Club Growth Director. The opportunity to embark on this remarkable journey with all of you fills me with immense enthusiasm. Together, we will strive for unprecedented heights and expand the vibrant family of Toastmasters.
As Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.” Within each of us lies the power to transform lives and make a profound impact.
Toastmasters has equipped us with invaluable skills and support to conquer our fears, unlock our true potential, and lead with confidence. Let us dream big and envision a future graced with thriving community and corporate Toastmasters clubs.
If you have ideas and plans for new community clubs or opportunities for new corporate clubs, I encourage you to reach out to me and my Club Growth Director team. We are here to provide the necessary support and guidance to help you succeed.
We stand united with you, supporting you in establishing new clubs and nurturing existing ones. We are committed to understanding your challenges, discussing new ideas, promoting continuous learning, and unlocking your infinite potential. Furthermore, we will ensure that strong training, coaching, information on Speechcraft, and open houses are provided to existing clubs towards nurturing the drive, fostering enthusiasm and building membership.
I invite you to let your imagination soar, set ambitious goals, collaborate wholeheartedly, and take courageous actions to explore the avenues of possibility. Remember, the most remarkable journeys often commence with a single step.
Together, let us make a lasting impact and create a legacy of growth and success.
CGD Team Members
Joanna Luo
Club Extension Chair
Annie Yun Bai, DTM
Gavel Clubs/YLP Chair
Fang Feng
Club Mentor Chair
Position Available
Speechcraft Chair
Swati Agal
Club Retention Chair
Marianna Burka
Club Coach Chair
Corine Lafont
CGD Sub Committee
Nicole Holas
CGD Sub Committee
Lily Wang
CGD Sub Committee
Raam Lakhanpal
Moments of Truth Ambassador
General District 86 Resources
General District 86 Resources
Youth Leadership Program / Gavel Clubs
In light of COVID-19, District 86 is encouraging youth leadership programs to convert to online meetings to protect the safety and well-being of participants.
The Youth Leadership Program is one of the options in a Toastmasters club’s toolkit for building membership. While it may have a longer lead time than other options, the YLP is a great way to introduce new potential members to the benefits of Toastmasters.
The YLP is an eight week program that meets once per week for one- to two-hours per session. It is designed to help develop public speaking and leadership skills for those ineligible to attend Toastmasters Clubs. Many of these programs are run for those aged between 12 and under eighteen years of age, but many are targeted at older adolescents. The program is run by a Toastmasters member on a volunteer basis from a local Toastmasters club.
The program is based on the belief that everyone has the potential to become a good communicator and leader – but this potential needs to be developed.The program helps participants through practical experience, the example of others and guidance from the program’s facilitators. Meetings generally follow a format similar to that of a Toastmasters club meeting, with an announced agenda that includes practice in parliamentary procedure, prepared and impromptu speeches and the selection of presiding officers. In every meeting, participants learn to apply the principles of listening, thinking and speaking.
Participants learn to:
- Overcome the nervousness everyone feels when asked to speak before an audience
- Organize and present their ideas logically and convincingly
- Listen carefully to others’ ideas
- Offer advice that will help others improve their speaking andleadership skills
- Participate in – and even lead – group discussions or meetings
Through the eight-session program, participants will increase their self-confidence as they learn. They also make new friends and have fun, reinforcing that Toastmasters is an enjoyable learning experience. Participants will learn speaking and leadership skills that they will use for the rest of their lives.
If you are delivering or planning on delivering a YLP, send the information to the YLP Chair, Amparo Cifuentes, DTM. This information is intended for answering inquiries and tracking the number of YLP’s.
Toastmasters interested in starting a Youth Leadership Program can run one of the eight week programs in conjunction with their club. Toastmasters may be the Coordinator of the program, attending each session, supporting the participants, and giving presentations. Or, you may wish to provide support to another Toastmaster, either attending the entire program, or joining for one or two sessions to give presentations, or to offer feedback to participants.
The Coordinator has an assistant who conducts discussions and substitutes for the Coordinator, should he or she be unable to attend a meeting.
As a Coordinator, your efforts will be recognized as one of the requirements for achieving your DTM in the Pathways program.
Want to be a coordinator? You must complete level one of any path in the Pathways program before you are eligible. Read the Youth Leadership Program Workbook and Youth Leadership Coordinator’s Guide to learn more.
Click the link to download the fillable version of the YLP Flyer. YLP Template
Toastmasters planning to sponsor and run a Youth Leadership Program should contact their club leadership to receive resources and advice on running such a program and to have their program recognized appropriately. The sponsoring club should designate one of its members to be the Youth Leadership Coordinator for the program. Please be sure to promote the location, dates and times the program will be running, along with your club information. Please also notify the Club Growth team to update this web page.
If you are an established teacher, social worker, or other community leader, who is interested in enhancing your existing program, and are interested in partnering with a local Toastmasters club to sponsor a Youth Leadership Program, please reach out to a nearby club that may want to conduct a program for your organization.
The program is not in competition with school programs or courses, or other established youth projects. Instead, it is a supplement to these programs, providing emphasis on specialized skills and individual needs.
If you are a parent or guardian who believes public speaking is an important skill, please reach out to one of the Toastmasters clubs in your area and let them know you are interested in attending their club as an adult who is interested in finding out more about how Toastmasters meetings work. You can easily search for a club in your area using the Find a Club website.
Please note: Participants in YLPs are selected for what they can become, not for what they already have done. The program is not an award to honor those who have already become leaders either inside or outside of the school. It is for young people who have not yet developed the ability to express themselves. Often teenagers want the course as a supplement to their high school education, or to prepare for college.
The duration of each of the eight sessions and the age range of the youth who may participate in any particular program will be set by the sponsoring Toastmasters club. Participants are selected by the sponsoring Toastmasters club or by a cooperating organization (such as a school). Also, in order to give each youth an adequate opportunity to participate, the sponsoring Toastmasters club will set the maximum number of participants for its program. Generally, the programs run with approximately 15-20 people.
Toastmasters believes that economic means should not limit the opportunity for youths (and others ineligible for Toastmasters Clubs) to participate and therefore the program is sponsored by the Club or other sponsoring organization, and is offered at no cost to participants.
Are you conducting OR have you conducted, a Youth Leadership Program? If yes, please let the Club Growth team know – we want to recognize you for your energy, your hard work, and most of all, your willingness to give back. We want to congratulate you in your development of your practical skills like leadership, teamwork, time management, and especially your coaching skills. Youth aren’t the only people who appreciate how amazing your contribution has been. Here’s just a few of the most recent successes we salute: District 86 YLP Programs 2021-2022
Gavel Clubs
Gavel clubs are a way of providing the Toastmasters experience to groups who may be ineligible for regular membership due to age, or other circumstances. Following similar Toastmasters club meeting protocols, Gavel clubs use club officer titles and education manuals. However, gavel club members are referred to as “gaveliers”. Gavel clubs also provide Toastmasters members and clubs with an excellent opportunity for community service
To form a Gavel club, a group must meet one of the following requirements:
- Must not be eligible to charter as a regular Toastmasters club
- Must include members who are under 18
To start a Gavel club, all groups must adhere to the following:
Must have the approval or endorsement of its host institution
Must use the program, procedures, materials and services of Toastmasters International
Must apply to Toastmasters International for a Certificate of Affiliation
For more information about Gavel clubs, please contact
*Note: Gavel clubs have limited access to the leadership track awards and materials, cannot participate in Toastmasters area and district speech contests, and do not enjoy many privileges and benefits that come with full membership in Toastmasters.
Please click on this link for the list of Youth Gavel Clubs we know in our Province and their respective Counsellors and Coordinators, for further information.
The clubs are holding waiting lists since the demand for the program is extremely high: Youth Gavel Clubs in Ontario
Speech Craft Resources
Speechcraft is an extended workshop on communication and leadership where the participants learn about various aspects of communication and leadership, participants are supported by a team of presenters and mentors and are guided by a coordinator. The Speechcraft program allows experienced Toastmasters to present the fundamentals of public speaking to non-members in an atmosphere of a Toastmasters club meeting.
For Clubs, it is a great way to promote membership in community or company club, as Speechcraft brings prospective new members to a meeting to see, first-hand, what Toastmasters is all about.
For participants, it is the quickest means by which non-Toastmasters can jump right into the process of improving their speaking skills, it also serves as a method of recruiting new members for local clubs.
It is structured and run like a condensed Toastmaster meeting with short educational during the meeting and about 15 minutes of coaching at the conclusion of each meeting. Speechcraft’s short duration appeals to people with busy lives who want to improve their speaking skills but don’t want to make an on-going commitment.
Speechcraft students learn public speaking and evaluation skills in a safe, supportive environment and derive many of the benefits we as Toastmasters are already familiar with but may have taken for granted. The only difference is with Speechcraft there is a specific time period.
The Speechcraft program allows experienced Toastmasters to present the fundamentals of public speaking to non-members in an atmosphere of a Toastmasters club meeting. It’s a great way to promote membership in your community or company club, as Speechcraft brings prospective new members to a meeting to see, first-hand, what Toastmasters is all about.
Benefits of Speechcraft for participants include:
- Gaining confidence in public speaking
- Developing communication and language skills
- Learning to think quickly and clearly
- Becoming an effective listener
- Learning to evaluate effectively
- Using body language and visual aids
- Gaining advance social skills
- Improving job or promotion prospects
- Gaining experience benefits of a TM club without having to initially join
Speechcraft can also help participants improve performance in:
- Problem-solving
- Meeting in larger groups
- Motivating people
- Selling ideas or products
- Conducting business meetings
- Impromptu Speaking
- Managing Nervousness
- Introducing a Speaker
- Preparation & Practice
- Speech Structure & Organization
- Beginning & Concluding a Speech
- Body Language
- Vocal Variety
- Knowing an Audience
Benefits of Speechcraft for a Club include:
- Building club membership
- Giving new members a helping hand with the different meeting roles
- Reaching out to the community
- Giving experienced members an opportunity to grow
- Sharing the Toastmasters experience with others
- Speechcraft students who decide to join the club are up to speed and already have an Ice Breaker credit towards Level 1
- Speechcraft students invite their family and friends to the graduation ceremony,– which introduces them to Toastmasters and possibly inspire them to join.
- Acquiring additional funds in their treasury if Speechcraft students choose not to join the club (see “fees” below)
- Additionally, individual Toastmasters can accelerate the completion of their Pathways Levels by fulfilling various roles in a Speechcraft.
- One member can earn credit as Speechcraft coordinator
Pros and Cons to Holding a Speechcraft Within or Outside of the Club
Benefits of holding a Speechcraft within the club during the club’s regular meeting time and place:
- Participants become familiar with the time and meeting place of the club. They know by the end of the program that they can work it in their schedules.
- Get to know the current members of the club. If they join, they know they are joining friends.
- The fee they pay for the course can be applied towards their club membership should they decide to join the club sponsoring the Speechcraft.
Benefits of conducting a Speechcraft outside of the club:
- There are many considerations and benefits of holding a Speechcraft outside of the regular club meeting time and place.
- Doesn’t disrupt regular club meetings
- The location where Speechcraft takes place may better suited in terms of location, space, logistics, environment, etc.
- The fee they pay for the course can be applied towards their club membership should they decide to join the club sponsoring the Speechcraft.
Organizing A Speechcraft Program
A successful Speechcraft requires the commitment of Club Members to assist in conducting the program.
Here is how a club might go about hosting a Speechcraft:
- The Club’s Executive Committee decides to present the program, then discusses it with the membership. The Club decides whether the program will be conducted during regular Club meetings or outside of the Club. Once this is decided, the Club President appoints a Speechcraft Coordinator, who is responsible for planning and managing the program.
- The club also needs advertisements (eg., flyers and webpage) – a good task for the VPPR.
- The Secretary or Treasurer needs to order materials from Toastmasters.
- The VPM helps to prepare information packets for the students – information about Toastmasters, old TM magazines, meeting roles, basic information about the club, etc.
- The VPE helps by assigning meeting roles to club members for most meetings.
- One mentor per participant. The mentor also evaluates at least two speeches by the mentee.
- Other members to fill the roles of Toastmaster of the Day, Table Topics Master, General Evaluator, Educational Presenter, Leadership Evaluator, Grammarian, Ah Counter, Timer, etc
- For a general idea of how an Agenda may look like, a sample could be provided upon request or request an example from
- The SAA should be prepared to welcome the participants.
- Someone needs to plan the graduation
Turning Participants Into New Members
Speechcraft participants are prospective new members for club. They will join the club if they are impressed by the activities and inspired by members and can see the benefits they will gain from their experience.
The Speechcraft starter kit is available from Toastmasters International for a fee plus tax and shipping. The kit contains complete materials for starting and promoting a Speechcraft program, it includes:
- 10 Instructions for the Advisor (Item 208)
- 5 Speechcraft Workbooks (Item 204H)
- 15 copies of An Opportunity To Succeed (Item 207)
- 3 copies of Number One Membership Building Tool (Item 203A)
- 5 Participant’s Certificates (Item 261)
- Coordinator’s Certificate (Item 260) Expanding Your Horizons (Item 211)
Speechcraft Training
If you would like to conduct a Speechcraft or serve as a coordinator, please contact a Speechcraft Co-Coordinator or the Club Growth Director.
Click here to download the 2021-2022 CGD Incentives.