Grand River Toastmasters Celebrates!

Grand River Toastmasters enjoyed an evening of celebrations on April 4, 2023. Our club has experienced explosive growth since our move to a hybrid format with most people choosing to meet in person. Each of our club executive members played a role in the evening’s activities.

Our meeting got off to a great start with a message of congratulations and encouragement from our Program Quality Director, Nancy Movrin. For the benefit of our new members, she also described her role in District 86 and gave an amazing plug for the upcoming District Conference.

Our first Speechcraft program, organized by VP Education Parveen Johal, resulted in 5 graduates who each gave a short speech on the value of participating in this Toastmasters “Bootcamp.”

The front of the room was crowded with nine new member inductees who are all eager to start their Toastmasters journey. Many have already jumped into meeting roles and have done their Ice Breaker speech, such is the enthusiasm to get started. We will hold another member induction meeting soon to accommodate the new members who continue to join almost weekly.

We held an extended break with refreshments allowing time for new and seasoned members to mingle, ask questions, and get to know each other better.

With the return to holding meetings in person and the re-opening of the TI store, we were able to present a truckload of Pathways pins to a host of deserving members. Members were encouraged to continue to tackle their Pathways projects and to complete them online to get the credit they had earned.

Our winners for the Club Evaluation contest, Randy Moore and International Speech Contest, Mayank Mandhare were presented with their awards and recognized for their accomplishments.

Finally, Cynthia Ayres, our “Club Cheerleader” presented gifts to two of her many mentees who both achieved the designation of DTM. A proud moment for a mentor.

The evening crackled with excitement with the many causes we had to celebrate a great club, one that values every member and makes quality feedback an important part of every meeting.

Created by Sue Wright, Grand River Toastmasters