Maximize Your Club Growth

The first step to maximize the growth potential of any Toastmasters’ Club is to embrace the technology that will be used for growth. This means you have to be open to learning new things. This could range from learning how to send emails to becoming a social media expert for your Club, Area or Division.

To accelerate growth, you should know and understand the different platforms and avenues for marketing and advertising. The District Website, Facebook Page and Facebook Group are 3 very different avenues for marketing and improving public relations with different objectives and results. 

Facebook can seem quite daunting if you’re trying to do everything at once. This is a piece of technology that will require time and practice to learn just like learning to ride a bike. It’s not possible to utilize Facebook for marketing and public relations without embracing it. This is unlike traditional media, such as TV, radio, or newspaper where you could interact with the service without having a public profile. To use Facebook, you have to have a Facebook account and learn how it operates. Terminology (what things are called) and Privacy (who can see what) are key factors that you should understand before taking on the challenges of Public Relations and marketing. 

Use the links below to get started on your journey to learn Facebook

What can you promote and where?


The District 86 website is the official source of information from the District. Club, Area & Division open houses can’t be promoted here. However, if your Club, Area or Division is celebrating a milestone, such as its 30th anniversary then it can be shared in the form of a blog. This place is a great source of information and resources for club activities. Club Officer Trainings, Town Halls and other District events can be found here.

Facebook Page: 

This is District 86’s Public profile on Facebook with fans who follow the page. It’s visible to the public. Brand compliant events require District Director approval to be posted here. All posts from this page are shareable across Facebook. 

District 86 uses the Facebook Page to share communication and leadership information with the general public using Facebook.

Facebook Group: 

This is District 86’s Private Facebook Group. Emphasis on Private. All publicly shared posts can be shared here as long as they are brand compliant. Anything shared here is only viewed by Toastmasters and not visible to the public. Content posted in private groups are not visible to anyone who’s not a member of the group. Members can interact with the post. Anything posted in a private group can’t be shared outside the group.

If your club has a Facebook page, then you can join the Group as the Club page and interact as such. Toastmasters members must be a member of District 86 to join the group. 

In conclusion, don’t be afraid to be you on Facebook and Social Media, and meet the brand guidelines from Toastmasters International. 

Feel free to connect with me:



Instagram: @shahanaaron

Created by Shahan Aaron District 86 PR Team Member 2020 – 2021