TLI Mentorship: Influence and Guidance

Keynote by PDD Jacklyn Payne DTM

On Saturday, November 11 2023, Jacklyn Payne DTM used these two words to describe Mentorship: Influence and Guidance

Who in your life has provided you with these?

Most likely, a teacher, an advisor, or your Toastmaster Mentor.

What have they done for you?

Inspired you, motivated you, to be the best “you” can be.

How did they do this?

Through a learning relationship.

They instructed, you listened, then you did whatever your learned.

Your mentor provided their experience, their knowledge and their skills and by working with you.

You set out to follow in their footsteps, gaining the experience, the knowledge and the skills you needed to move in your desired direction and achieve your sought after goal/s.

Jacklyn remarked, “Never underestimate the power of Mentoring…Even your Mentor has a Mentor.”

What does your mentor do best?

President Training by DD Nancy Movrin DTM

What does a President do for their members and their club?

They focus on making the club successful.

Nancy emphasized these points:


  • People come because they feel welcomed, valued and recognized

Value of DCP Points

  • Visit a club that is racking up the points, what are they doing?
  • What can you adopt?

Be Consistent

  • Consistency is key to success
  • Do the right things

Close the Sale

  • Sell the sizzle of your club
  • Offer the benefits the prospective guest will receive in your club
  • Ask the guest to join

High Functioning Clubs

  • Executive has a plan and works the plan
  • As President, are you checking in with your Executive?
  • Is your executive working the plan?


  • Members not using Pathways?
  • Nancy likened it to, “Giving someone a cell phone, but not the cell phone plan.” How effective is that?
  • How are you inducting your members into Pathways
  • Randy Moore’s Presentation November 15 at noon

Your Members want to have

  • Value: to feel their needs are being met
  • Meaning not fluff
  • Accessible benefits
  • Recognition for their efforts
  • Professional development
  • You to recognize they are ready to take on more

Mentorship Workshop by D86 Mentorship Co-Chairs Gillian Sheldon DTM & Teresa Carolan DTM

Elevating Opportunities Through Toastmaster Mentorship

Gillian opened with this quote by Dr. Ralph Smedley
“…the two most important factors in Toastmasters are Mentoring and Evaluations, there is no doubt that if these two are done well and there is a good Mentoring program, your club will be filled with spark plugs ready to fire upon request. Mentoring and evaluations create enthusiasm, and once you light that fire the only thing it needs is some kindling.”

How well are you tending to your fire?

Have you investigated the Pathways Mentor Program? In the presentation, Gillian explained how to access it on Base Camp and how to complete it.

The vision of our PQD Anne Dockeray, “Every D86 member to have a mentor.”

Anne’s incentive…Mentor for 6 months, complete the Pathways Mentorship Path between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024 and receive a mentorship pin from the District.

Toastmasters Leadership: What is it and what is in it for you? By Clifford Graham DTM

What are you specifically doing for D86 to be successful?

Clifford explained the benefits of taking on club officers roles, area director, division director and district roles create success for everyone your included.

Too serious? Too much work?


Clifford used this analogy and from club to district roles, it’s a good one.

Relax, It’s Only Toastmasters

Let’s remember that Toastmasters is a self-paced program and you! You don’t have to be perfect but you will get out of whatever you choose to do by what you put into it.

Secretary Training by PDD Myrna Barthe DTM

Excellent session full of strategic reminders on the importance of the role of the Secretary.

Myrna led the discussion, mentoring us with her highly knowledgeable and skillful understanding of the role.

Who sends in the list for your club’s new leadership team at the end of May?

Who has a vote at District and TI?
Secretary and President

Who is the keeper of the records?

Who is a base camp manager?
Secretary with President and VP of Ed

Excellent day of mentoring and learning!
Thanks to PQD Anne and her online team, Presenters, Attendees and especially You!

By being present, you make D86 a success!

Created by Teresa Carolan Mentorship Co-Chair, Top Drawer Toastmasters