Want to Create and Post Video? 10 Tips for Better Social Media Videos

1) What is your Plan?

Before you start, know your objective. Are you looking to increase awareness about a speaker or spark conversation about a recent meeting? Are you aiming for more website visits, or increased social media followers? Be clear about why you are creating your video. This should align with your club’s PR goals.

2) Keep Videos Short

It’s important to keep your videos short because the majority of viewers consumer social media on their mobile devices, and social media attention spans are short. However you still need to provide value. Its better to break the information down into smaller video posts and be concise with your message.

3) Don’t waste the First Few Seconds

Borrow from the Hollywood blockbuster movies: captivate your audience at the start. The first few seconds are crucial because that’s when your viewer decides to keep watching or move on to someone else’s content.

Just like Toastmasters International suggests for speech beginnings (https://www.toastmasters.org/resources/the-better-speaker-series-set), start your video presentation with a bang. Include the Toastmasters logo and your club’s name so that viewers begin to recognize your videos and look forward to your posts.

4) Use Subtitles

What do you do when you are waiting in line? Chances are, you’ve pulled out your cell phone. Next time you are waiting in line, take a look: how many people are looking down at their cell phones?

Many consume social media while waiting for something. And almost always, its viewed without sound. If you use subtitles, you will capture your viewer’s attention while still keeping them engaged.

5) Pay attention to Lighting

If your image is dark, your video won’t be visually appealing. Same if your lighting is too harsh. Before posting, do some A-B testing. Experiment. Get feedback. If your current lighting is subpar, invest in additional lighting. Do your research before you spend any money. The extra effort is worth it.

6) Pay attention to audio

Just like lighting, sound is important. You don’t want your voice to sound tinny, or your mic pick up the sound of your neighbour’s barking dog. Invest in good equipment to ensure you get high-quality sound.

7) Using Music? Is it Royalty Free?

Using a hit song in your video? Stop! Don’t even go there unless you spent the money up-front and have permission to use it.

If you want music, use songs that are public domain. There are also websites that offer royalty free music.

8) Have a Call-To-Action

Don’t leave viewers guessing what to do next. If they watched to the end, that means they are curious and want to know more. Give them a purpose and an action.

Just like Toastmasters International suggests for speech endings (https://www.toastmasters.org/resources/the-better-speaker-series-set), finish with a call to action, such as going to your website for more information.

9) Don’t automatically post across all platforms.

Each social media channel has its own limitations around dimensions, orientation, video length limit, and other specs. Size and shape matters.

Once you have posted your video to your chosen platform, check on both your mobile device and your laptop or desktop to see how it shows and sounds.

10) Are you done yet?

Don’t post and forget about it! You are not done yet! How is your video is doing? Mind your metrics. See how many people are viewing, engaging and hopefully, sharing your video. Don’t be afraid to ask for honest feedback and be open to changing your approach if the only likes you are getting are from your immediate family.

Videos are a powerful way to develop engagement. And with these 10 tips, you’re well on your way to maximizing your club’s presence using an additional promotional opportunity in the digital world.

Created by Nancy Movrin DTM Public Relations Manager 2021 – 2022