Writing a Newsletter

A couple of years ago I was asked to write the District 86 Newsletter and decided to take on the challenge without really knowing what I was getting into. Since then, we have made a few changes, mostly I hope, for the better.

There is so much information that we, on a monthly basis, want to and could share with you as our readers …but alas, there is only so much space we can use and only so much time we can ask you to read.

As a writer or Newsletter editor, I must be aware that if I have not caught you interest in the first couple of words …you are not likely to read the rest. Even then there is the challenge that most of us will not read passed the first one hundred and fifty words …which incidentally, for this article, is about here.

The solution has been links; in a newspaper we know that we can always go directly to our preferred section to read the full articles, just as we know that the first page is only going to give us teasers that lure us into the meat of the bone.

With that in mind we started to rearrange our Newsletter so after the calendar is short articles or teasers to make you read the whole Newsletter …or at least the articles that interest you. So where do we put those links? For the District Newsletter we decided to put shorter articles, up to three hundred and fifty words, in the Newsletter and longer ones, like this, in the blog section on the district webpage.

The Newsletter has such potential, in my mind it can be used as THE vessel to get information out to the clubs, but also it can be used to inspire.

Here is where you come in; did you know that anyone can write a blog and submit it to the district? Anyone of us can write a blog with content that help us develop ourselves as Toastmasters and, by extension, as clubs. So …if you had a workshop write about it …if you were inspired by a talk …if you visited a club in Katmandu …if you just did your first Icebreaker – write about it and share your experience. I cannot guarantee that all entries will be published, but I can guarantee that if we do not come together and write then there is nothing to share.

With a Newsletter that inspire us to participate in upcoming events, that tells us about what is important, like writing a blog, and inspire us by talking about events that was; I can only ask you to participate. Write, read what others have written, and share to content during your club meetings. Let us make the district Newsletter a part of our development as Toastmasters, let it be a source of information, and let it be a source of inspiration. For that we need your participation …are you ready to participate?

It is time for me, not only to lay down my pen and to finish this blog but end my time as our District Newsletter editor …are you ready to take over…are you ready to make the Newsletter even better? Reach out to the District 86 Public Relations Manager.

Created by Mikael Gatje DTM, District 86 Newsletter Editor, District 86 2023-2024, First Waterdown Toastmasters